How Long Does It Take to Get Results with SEO?

How Long Does It Take to Get Results with SEO?

SEO & Content Marketing
Last Updated: November 12, 2023 12 min
Justin Berg
Justin Berg

Founder of Rock The Rankings

According to a recent Ahrefs study, about half of the surveyed SEO professionals said it typically takes three to six months to show results, although the definition of “results” is subjective.

For the right-fit clients we work with, we work to see a turn-around on defined results within a 90-day period.

SEO doesn’t need to take multiple quarters, or even years to get results – the strategy you implement, and where you’re starting from matter the most.

My answer in the video below might surprise you.

When it comes to getting results with SEO, marketing leaders and founders often ask about the timeline for seeing a return on their investment and generating customer acquisition.

The answer highly depends on the starting point; a brand new domain with no age or backlinks could take 12 to 24 months to see results, but there are faster ways such as building on an expired domain with age and backlinks. SaaS businesses that leverage these strategies have seen customer acquisition from organic traffic in a matter of months.

Understanding The Timeline Of SEO Results

The timeline for achieving SEO results depends on several factors such as competition level, domain age, existing backlink profile, available resources, and budget as well as the strategy and its execution.

Competition level plays a vital role in SEO results, as highly competitive industries may take longer to show progress. Niche industries typically have less competition, which can lead to quicker results. Assessing the competition level will help evaluate the efforts required in content creation and link building.

Domain age and existing backlinks also significantly impact the timeline. A domain with pre-existing backlinks and a higher domain rating can usually achieve results faster. On the contrary, domains with no backlinks and age are usually restricted by the “sandbox” stage, thus taking longer to rank and show favorable results.

Another essential factor is the resources and budget available for SEO efforts. A higher budget and more dedicated resources can accelerate the time to achieve desired goals. For instance, a larger budget allows for more investment in content creation and link building, leading to faster results. Conversely, a limited budget and resources can slow down the progress of achieving SEO goals.

Lastly, strategy and execution are crucial components that contribute to the timeline of SEO results. Adopting creative strategies with a focus on conversion can help derive better results. A well-executed strategy with quality content and links can lead to faster results. Hiring a competent SEO agency that aligns with the goals and resources of the company can also contribute to achieving success in the desired timeframe.

Setting specific, measurable goals at the beginning of an SEO campaign is fundamental in determining the results. Different companies have different definitions of results, and setting clear objectives allows better tracking of progress and outcomes. The time it takes to achieve results can vary, but understanding the factors that contribute to the timeline can help businesses effectively plan and optimize their SEO efforts.

Methods To Expedite SEO Results

One method to expedite SEO results is to leverage expired domains with age and backlinks that operated in your industry or space. This can significantly reduce the time it takes to achieve results from your SEO efforts. For example, SaaS businesses that adopt this strategy can drive real customer acquisition from organic search within months instead of 12, 18, or 24 months.

Domain age and existing backlink profiles play a crucial role in expediting SEO results. Tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush can assess a domain and give it a score out of 100. Comparing your domain’s rating with the top 10 ranking domains for your target keywords can give you an idea of how much work is needed to improve your domain’s authority and subsequently, your search rankings. The higher your domain rating, the faster you are likely to achieve desired SEO results.

Resource allocation is another significant factor in achieving faster SEO results. The more resources, budget, and effort you can dedicate to your SEO strategy, the quicker you can reach your goals. For instance, if you need to create 80 revenue-focused pieces of content and 10 dedicated landing pages, committing to producing one per week would take much longer to reach your objectives than if you were able to produce them more quickly. Additionally, having a budget for link building and digital PR is essential to speeding up your SEO results.

The right SEO strategy and execution can greatly expedite your results. This involves identifying creative angles or other conversion-focused terms that might be less competitive than your main target keywords. By focusing on these alternative keywords and constantly monitoring your progress, you can achieve tangible results in a shorter time frame.

Determining What Results Mean

When discussing the timeline and potential outcomes of SEO efforts, it is essential to determine what “results” specifically mean for a particular company. The term results can be interpreted differently depending on the context and individual expectations. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to set specific, measurable goals at the beginning of an SEO campaign.

For some businesses, the desired results might entail a significant increase in organic growth within a specified period. Others might be more focused on generating qualified signups for demos or trials. By clearly defining the goals and expectations, companies can work towards achieving their objectives more efficiently and effectively.

One way to better understand the potential outcomes and timeframes is to analyze data and conduct research. For example, a study by Ahrefs examined the responses of 4,300 participants and determined that for about half of them, SEO results were visible within three to six months. This timeframe, however, may vary depending on factors such as competition level, domain age, existing backlink profile, client’s budget and resources, and, most importantly, the strategy and execution of the SEO campaign.

It is crucial to assess the competition level for each industry or niche and analyze the top-ranking domains in the search results to understand the time and effort required for a company to rank highly. Additionally, examining the domain’s age and backlinks can provide insight into how long it might take for the website to start ranking in search results.

The available resources and budget also play a significant role in the speed at which a company can achieve their SEO goals. Simply put, the more time, effort, and budget a company can allocate to their SEO campaign, the faster they can potentially reach their desired milestones. This includes factors such as link building, content creation, and digital PR.

Finally, a well-crafted and effectively executed strategy is key to ensuring a company’s SEO efforts yield the desired results within their target timeframe. This entails identifying creative angles or approaches to reaching conversion-focused goals and employing strategies to avoid spinning one’s wheels on overly competitive keywords.

Ultimately, determining what results mean in the context of a specific business’s SEO campaign is crucial for setting realistic expectations and working towards achieving those objectives in a methodical and timely manner.

Establishing A 90-Day Goal Period

When it comes to achieving results in SEO, it’s essential to establish a 90-day goal period. This ensures that clear and defined results are achieved within a specific timeframe, which can help to prove the success of the SEO engagement. To proceed with this goal, it’s crucial to start with the right prospects who have an existing content base, link base, and product-market fit.

To evaluate the prospects and the potential for achieving desired results within the specified goal period, several factors come into play. These include competition level, domain age, backlink profile, client budgets, and resources, as well as strategy and execution.

First, it’s necessary to determine the competition level within the industry and the segments being targeted. This assessment can help in estimating how many backlinks are needed, the pace of building those links, and the content strategy required for success.

Second, domain age and existing backlinks play a crucial role in SEO results. A newer domain with no existing backlinks might face limitations, like being in Google’s “sandbox,” delaying search result rankings even further. In contrast, an established domain with a solid backlink profile may achieve better rankings more quickly.

Third, the client’s budget, resources, and commitment to SEO efforts will greatly impact the speed of reaching the desired goals. Dedicating more resources, time, and budget to content creation, link building, and digital PR can accelerate the progress of SEO initiatives.

Lastly, effective strategy and execution are vital in achieving the 90-day goal period. A creative and targeted approach, focusing on conversion-driven keywords and angles, can yield better results than competing for highly competitive terms.

Factors That Influence SEO Results

Competition Level

The competition level in a specific industry or segment plays a significant role in how quickly a business can achieve results with SEO. For highly competitive industries, ranking for conversion-focused keywords in the short and midterm may be challenging. Assessing the competition will help businesses determine the number of backlinks they need to build and the type of content they should create to rank higher in search results.

Age Of Business’s Domain And Backlink Profile

The age of a domain and its existing backlink profile can significantly affect the timeline for driving SEO results. A new domain with no backlinks or content will likely be in Google’s so-called sandbox, making it difficult to rank in search results for the first six months. On the other hand, a domain with a higher domain rating and more referring domains can expect to achieve results quicker.

Client’s Budget And Resources

The client’s available resources and budget directly impact the speed at which SEO goals are reached. More resources dedicated to SEO efforts, such as content creation, link building, and digital PR, can lead to faster progress toward achieving desired milestones. Furthermore, a consistent commitment to these SEO aspects helps businesses better adapt their strategy and work toward their objectives.

Strategy And Execution

Having the right strategy and proper execution is crucial for obtaining SEO results. Businesses need to ensure they adopt a creative, tailored approach when targeting specific keywords and focus on a conversion-driven strategy to drive demos or signups. The right strategy, combined with quality content and backlinks, facilitates progress in the right direction. Hiring an agency that aligns with a company’s goals and targets can further assist in the process.

The Importance Of A Focused SEO Strategy

A focused SEO strategy is essential for businesses to achieve their desired results within a reasonable timeframe. There are four main factors that determine the time it takes to get results in SEO: competition level, domain age and existing backlink profile, client’s budget and resources, and strategy and execution.

Competition level plays a significant role as highly competitive industries require more effort and resources to rank for high-conversion terms. Businesses must assess the competition in their niche and devise strategies accordingly to make their online presence noticeable. Focusing on less competitive conversions-focused terms may offer better results in a shorter period.

Another critical factor is the age of the domain and its existing backlink profile. Google often places new domains in the so-called “sandbox,” which restricts their visibility in search results for several months. Building on expired domains with age and backlinks can speed up the process. Monitoring and improving the domain’s trust score and referring domains with tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush can provide insights for improvement.

The available budget and resources directly impact the speed of achieving desired results. Investing in adequate link building, content creation, and digital PR can accelerate the process. A company should allocate enough budget for SEO efforts, as the more they invest in time and resources, the faster their goals will be reached.

Lastly, strategy and execution determine the effectiveness of SEO efforts. Choosing the right approach based on the business’s competition and positioning can lead to better outcomes. A well-thought-out strategy focuses on content velocity, link quality, and other factors relevant to the business instead of solely concentrating on technical SEO. Combining a proper plan with efficient execution ensures that businesses move in the desired direction without wasting time on unachievable targets.

To achieve the right results in the right timeframe, businesses must utilize a focused SEO strategy, taking into account competition, domain age, resources, and effective execution. This careful approach helps maximize the return on investment and drive qualified customer acquisition within the desired timeframe.

Definition Of SEO Results

The term “results” in the context of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) often varies in meaning from one individual to another. It is crucial to clearly define results when discussing SEO strategies and timeframes. Results can refer to various aspects such as site traffic, lead generation, and customer acquisition, among others.

It is essential to establish specific, measurable goals at the beginning of an SEO campaign to ensure a clear understanding of the desired outcomes.

These goals can include factors like tripling organic growth within a given time frame or generating a certain number of qualified signups to improve the return on investment. Each SEO campaign should aim to accomplish well-defined objectives tailored to a company’s unique needs.

Competition level, domain age, backlink profile, budget, resources, and strategy execution all contribute to how long it takes to see results with SEO. Understanding these factors can help set realistic expectations.

Domain age and backlink profile are also essential factors when determining achievable results. Generally, a website with an older domain and a solid backlink profile will have better chances of ranking higher and generating results faster than a new domain with no backlinks.

Key Takeaways

The timeline for SEO results varies based on factors like starting point, competition, and strategy.

If you’re a young company just launching or with a recent launch, acquiring an expired domain with age and backlinks can expedite the process of achieving SEO results.

Established businesses typically will see results much faster.

For the type of clients we work with at Rock The Rankings, we aim to set specific, measurable goals for a given timeframe (90 days) to prove out our efforts, and build a long-term relationship

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