How SaaS Companies Can Implement The Hub & Spoke Content Strategy

SEO & Content Marketing
Last Updated: November 12, 2023 7 min
Justin Berg
Justin Berg

Founder of Rock The Rankings

A well-designed content hub aims to establish authority on the chosen topic, increase website traffic, and improve overall search engine rankings.

This is achieved by creating a structured content cluster, consisting of a main hub page providing a comprehensive overview of the subject, and a series of interconnected subpages that delve into various related subtopics.

In this article, we’ll focus on how you can build content hubs to increase organic performance and signups.

What Is a Content Hub in SEO?

A content hub is a centralized online destination that contains interlinked collections of content about a similar topic. This strategy is utilized in search engine optimization (SEO) to improve a website’s search traffic, online authority, and user experience.

The main components of a content hub are the hub page or pillar content, which serves as a high-level guide about a broad topic, and the subpages or cluster content, which provide in-depth information about various aspects of the main topic.

These components are interconnected through hyperlinks, making it easy for users and search engine bots to navigate through the content.

Content hubs can offer several SEO benefits, such as attracting more backlinks and generating increased search traffic.

By providing comprehensive and relevant information around a specific topic, a content hub can help establish a website as an authoritative resource in its niche.

This, in turn, can lead to higher search engine rankings and improved visibility in organic search results.

The interconnected structure of content hubs improves a website’s overall organization, making it more user-friendly as well.

A well-designed content hub can guide users through their informational journey, providing them with useful information and deeper related reading that keeps them engaged and ultimately increases conversions.

Why Use a Content Hub on Your Website?

A content hub is a centralized online destination that contains curated content around a specific topic. It serves as a valuable resource for your website visitors, designed to educate and help readers find the information they need.

Implementing a content hub on your website offers several benefits that can contribute to the success of your online presence.

1. Enhanced SEO Performance

Content hubs are useful for SEO as they show search engines that your website is an authority on a certain topic.

By categorizing and linking related content, you increase the chances of ranking higher on search results and driving more organic traffic to your site.

2. Increased brand authority

By consistently publishing informative and engaging content on a given topic, a content hub can help establish your brand as an industry expert.

This increased credibility can translate into a stronger brand reputation and potentially lead to long-term customer loyalty.

3. User engagement & Pages Per Session

Content hubs offer a user-friendly experience by making it easy for your website visitors to navigate and explore relevant content.

It can decrease the bounce rate and increase the time visitors spend on your site, leading to better user engagement and a higher likelihood of conversion.

4. Increase Conversions

Content hubs directly support not only getting additional right-fit visitors to your website – but they also help to facilitate conversions.

A well-organized content hub can drive real business impact.

The more pages users touch during their session, the more likely they will turn into a micro or macro conversion.

Struggling to build meaningful organic traffic that converts? Rock The Rankings is a top-ranked SaaS SEO Agency that helps SaaS businesses build customer acquisition engines using SEO-focused content marketing. We’ll create a free marketing plan for your business, and walk you through step-by-step exactly what needs to be done to grow faster.

How to Create a Content Hub for Better User Experience and Improved SEO Performance

1. Identify Main Topics

To create a content hub, start by identifying the main topics you want to cover.

These topics should be related to your niche and relevant to your target audience.

Consider using keyword research tools to help you pinpoint the most popular search terms and questions related to your field.

Once you have these main topics, you can use them as a foundation for your content hub.

2. Identify Subtopics

Next, break down each of your main topics into subtopics.

These subtopics should dive deeper into specific aspects of the main topic, allowing your users to learn more about the subject matter.

To find relevant subtopics, look at the questions and searches that people are conducting around your main topics. These details can help you create content that covers a wide range of informational needs, keeping your audience engaged and informed.

3. Organize Topics Into Hubs & Spokes

Organize your main topics and subtopics into a hub-and-spoke model.

In this model, the main topic serves as the “hub,” with the related subtopics acting as “spokes.” Each “spoke” should link to the “hub” and vice versa, creating a web of interconnected content that’s easy to navigate and understand.

This structure not only improves the user experience but also boosts your website’s SEO performance, as search engines can more easily crawl and index your content.

Maintaining a Content Hub

1. Regular Updates

To maintain a successful content hub, it is crucial to keep it updated with fresh and relevant content.

By consistently publishing new articles, videos, and resources, you ensure that the hub remains a valuable and up-to-date source of information for your audience. To do this:

  • Create a content calendar: Plan and schedule content updates, ensuring a mix of content types and topics.
  • Monitor industry trends: Keep track of the latest developments and news to create timely content that resonates with your audience.
  • Reuse and repurpose: Update older content to make it current or repurpose it in a new format, extending its life and value.

Ensure that you’re updating topics that can decay over time and cause “SERP slippage” and rankings drops due to a lack of neglect with fresh, relevant content.

2. Visitor Engagement

Engaging with your audience is a key aspect of maintaining a successful content hub.

Encourage interaction and feedback, as this helps you understand what content is resonating with your visitors and identifies areas for improvement. To enhance visitor engagement:

  • Implement calls-to-action: Encourage visitors to take action, such as signing up for a newsletter or downloading a white paper, creating a deeper connection with your brand.
  • Pages per sessions: Review the increase in pages per session from your users hitting your content hubs by using GA4 data.

3. Performance Assessment

Regularly assessing the performance of your content hub helps you make informed decisions about its overall effectiveness and areas in need of improvement. To gauge performance, consider the following metrics:

  • Traffic: Monitor the number of visitors and pageviews to determine which content is attracting the most interest.
  • Conversion rates: Track the percentage of visitors who complete your desired actions (sign-ups, downloads, etc.) – especially taking into account how many page touches per session users had. The further you can keep users engaged and reading, the higher the conversion rates will be.

By regularly updating your content, engaging with visitors, and assessing the performance, you can effectively maintain a thriving content hub that provides valuable information to your audience and supports your overall marketing goals.

Mini Case Studies of Successful Content Hubs

One example of a successful content hub is the multitude of hubs we created for the team at Toast PoS.

The project involved developing a few dozen content hubs, making up hundreds of different articles.

Coming to the end of the campaign, we were able to reflect on some huge results through the use of proper content hubs within our content planning.

A 200% increase in targetted organic traffic to bottom, mid and top-funnel content assets – the core driver of organic traffic for the business.

Final Thoughts

If you’re not already leveraging content hubs in your overall SEO strategy – there’s never been a better time to start, than now.

Content hubs are powerful for driving topical authority and relevance to what your actual product and business does, as well as driving deeper use engagements, pages per session, and in turn – a direct impact on sign-up and demo conversions.

Need help building out a content hub strategy that will win your business more conversions? We’re pros and building winning content strategies for SaaS companies that are looking to take organic growth to the next level. Book a time below, and let’s connect.

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