Pain-Point SEO: Creating Content That Grows MRR

B2B Marketing
Last Updated: May 27, 2024 7 min
Justin Berg
Justin Berg

Founder of Rock The Rankings

A common observation in Google Analytics for many websites is that a majority of the traffic usually comes from a handful of blog posts.

The problem? High traffic doesn’t always translate to a large number of conversions.

The reason for this lies in the nature of the keywords targeted – focusing on head terms or high-volume queries may attract a broader audience, but these visitors may lack strong buying intent. To boost conversions, it’s essential to prioritize content that targets lower-volume keywords with high buying intent.

This approach, known as Pain-Point SEO, helps attract visitors who are actively seeking solutions to their problems and are more likely to convert. Focusing on middle or bottom-of-funnel keywords with high-converting potential can yield better results than chasing high-traffic, top-of-funnel queries.

In the following article, we will dive deeper into the concept of Pain-Point SEO and explore various frameworks that can drive leads and signups more effectively than traditional content marketing strategies.

What is Pain Point SEO?

Pain Point SEO is a method focusing on content crafted around high-intent keywords instead of high-volume ones, aiming to drive conversions by addressing customer pain points and catering to search intent.

Pain Point SEO is a shift in focus from volume-driven keywords research, to pain-focused keyword research and content creation.

When developing a keyword strategy for a content marketing campaign, a common mistake is to prioritize high-volume keywords without considering the searcher’s intent. This approach can increase website traffic, but it might not necessarily lead to more leads or signups.

Instead, we propose a more effective method – Pain-Point Driven SEO – which focuses on addressing the problems and needs of potential customers throughout their buyer’s journey.

For example, when conducting content marketing for a SaaS company targeting HR reps, many marketers might start by generating a list of keywords related to that audience.

They would then prioritize these keywords based on their search volume and competition levels. Although this method could result in increased traffic, it might not lead to a substantial boost in leads and signups.

The reason? It overlooks the key aspect of searcher intent.

Rather than focusing on volume alone, our Pain-Point Driven SEO approach begins by understanding the challenges and issues faced by potential customers.

Using this insight, we then identify relevant keywords and topics that address those pain points.

This way, our content will not only attract traffic but also cater to the specific needs and interests of our target audience.

With Pain-Point Driven SEO, we map the searcher’s intent to various stages of the buyer’s journey, which helps us predict which articles will lead to conversions.

This method ensures a more effective SEO campaign, as it directly aims to resolve customers’ problems rather than merely increasing website traffic:

  • Prioritize pain points over pure keyword volume
  • Conduct keyword research focusing on issues relevant to your target audience
  • Create content that addresses those pain points at each stage of the buyer’s journey
  • Track and measure the effectiveness of this strategy in generating leads and signups, rather than just monitoring traffic statistics

Crafting SEO Topics That Generate Leads and Signups

To effectively drive leads and signups, it’s important to focus on three primary SEO content types:

1. BOFU Conversion Keywords

These keywords directly relate to your product or service, and when someone is searching for them, they’re already solution-aware.

BOFU conversion keyword examples include:

  • “best accounting software”
  • “video interview tools”
  • “review management software”

These keywords target users who are already interested in your product or service – and ranking for them is the core starting point.

2. Comparison and Alternative Keywords

Competitor comparison keywords often include searchers that are generally deep in the funnel.

They’re comparing your product (or your competitors) to understand which will solve their pain and fit their needs.

Competitor comparison keywords include:

  • {your company} vs. {competitor}
  • {competitor 1} vs. {competitor 2} (the perfect opportunity to insert your brand into the conservation)

Competitor comparison keywords target users with high buying intent, making them valuable for driving conversions.

3. Problem-Solving Keywords

Derived from the Jobs-To-Be-Done (JTBD) framework, these keywords target searchers who have a problem that your product or service can solve indirectly.

Examples may include “how to manage sales leads” or “how to migrate from BigCommerce to Shopify.”

While these keywords may not generate as many immediate conversions, they still possess buying intent and can effectively guide potential customers toward your offerings.

Developing High-Converting SEO Topics

The key to generating ideas that fit these frameworks is to have a deep understanding of your customers and prospects. A comprehensive knowledge of your customers’ pain points, needs, and preferences allows you to create content that directly addresses their concerns, making it more likely to resonate and drive conversions.

Identifying Conversion-Focused SEO Topics with Surveys

To uncover valuable conversion-focused SEO topics, consider asking your customers the following questions:

  1. What problem were you trying to solve when you found our product or service?: This question identifies keywords related to the problems your product or service solves.
  2. If our product or service no longer existed, what alternative would you use?: This question provides insight into who your customers view as your competitors.
  3. How would you describe our product or service to someone unfamiliar with it?: This question helps capture any unique descriptions customers may have for your product or service, which you may have overlooked.
  4. What are the top 3 benefits you receive from our product or service?: Identifying the most valued features of your offering can reveal specific search queries that users may be looking for when researching similar products or services. Utilize this information to target keywords that reflect the real-life experiences and preferences of your customers.

By researching and targeting keywords within these frameworks, you can create SEO content that is aligned with the needs and expectations of your target audience, driving high-quality leads and signups for your business.

Final Thoughts on Pain-Point SEO

When creating content for SEO, it’s crucial to prioritize pain-point driven pieces that target long-tail keywords. This approach often leads to higher conversion rates compared to other types of content. Consider the following guidelines:

  • Focus on long-tail keywords: Use these more specific phrases to create content addressing customers’ specific needs or challenges.
  • Apply a structured framework: Combining pain-point driven content with known frameworks enhances the quality and relevance of your writing.
  • Exhaust long-tail keyword opportunities first: Once you’ve covered all potential long-tail keywords, you can broaden your content strategy to include higher volume keywords in your category.
  • Meet search intent: To effectively apply this strategy, make sure posts provide in-depth information and answers to users’ queries. This requires well-written and well-researched content.
  • Explore various strategies: Alongside the focus on long-tail keywords, look into different approaches to SEO and content marketing, such as SaaS SEO strategy, B2B content marketing strategy, and B2C content marketing strategy. Diversify to improve your overall results.
  • Implement conversion-focused principles: Apply these tactics to other areas of your marketing efforts, such as optimizing paid search campaigns, for comprehensive improvements.

Remember that the key to success with pain-point driven content and long-tail keywords is to prioritize addressing the needs and challenges of your target audience, which ultimately helps drive better conversions and sales.

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